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General Treatments

Hygiene Treatments

Through our hygiene protocol, we will help prevent and combat gum disease and tooth decay.  Minimally invasive dentistry starts with a clean healthy mouth. Here at Exceptional Dental, we see most of our patients about twice a year for a regular examination and clean, but at the end of the day, the frequency is dependant on how well you are looking after your teeth and gum.  

How to Brush with an Oral-B iO - YouTube

Thinking about changing to an electric toothbrush? We love the Oral B !


Teeth Whitening

If unsightly stains and yellowing are of concern – we are here to help.  Whether you would like to start your whitening journey in the comfort of your home or in chair we have a whitening program for you. We have partnered with trusted brands such as BOUTIQUE and POLA to provide our patients with safe effective whitening options.

At our Smile Emporium, our Oral Health Therapist will follow a comprehensive whitening process: consultation, cleaning, whitening and post whitening care

We also offer a 20 minute whitening consultation/assessment to let you know if you would be a good candidate for Teeth Whitening and the best whitening option that suits you.  The consultation fee will be waived if you proceed teeth whitening process.


Tooth Filling(restoration) & Replacing Silver(amalgam) Filling

Suffering from tooth decay, a chipped front tooth, root exposure following gum recession, minor imperfections, or don’t like the look of those old silver amalgam fillings?  The team at Exceptional Dental specialises in restoring your teeth.

Nowadays, we mainly use tooth colored restoration material, called Composite resin, and with the improved technology, it is considered the replacement of the classic silver amalgam fillings.

Composite restoration represents just one segment of Cosmetic Dentistry and is used to repair smaller individual tooth defects. It can be used for more extensive coverage treatments as a less expensive alternative to porcelain Crowns and Veneers but has its limitations. Utilising materials that match the shade, translucency and texture of your natural teeth, Composite restoration creates discreet yet attractive results.

 Composite restoration can usually be completed within just one visit. This treatment is minimally invasive and virtually pain-free. Often used as an alternative to Veneers, Composite may be used to restore teeth that are discoloured, chipped, cracked, or to correct minor imperfections.

 When undergoing treatment, the Dentist will prepare the tooth by lightly etching the surface, and coating the tooth with a bonding liquid. Once the liquid has set, we will then apply a Composite resin and sculpt it into the desired shape. When the resin has set, it is trimmed and polished to a natural finish.

Amalgam fillings have been used for a long time as it has high durability.  Although the mercury in amalgam is toxic, if the amalgam fillings you have are in good condition and are not chipped, broken or worn, it is ok to leave those fillings in place.  However if you have amalgam fillings that are old or deteriorating, we recommend that you have them removed and replaced with a tooth colored Composite resin restorations.

Restorations are technique sensitive and also require good maintenance and cleaning, but well maintained restorations placed correctly can last upwards of 7- 10 years.  They work well in cases where the defect or hole is small in size.  Larger defects or holes may weaken the surrounding tooth structure and Dental Crowns may be the better option.

We use the best restorative materials available on the market to ensure the restorations last as long as possible.

Tooth Extraction

Unfortunately, some teeth can’t be saved even with our best effort.  When this situation arises, it is often accompanied by pain and infection.  

Fortunately, we provide a full range of Oral Surgery options from simple tooth extraction to wisdom teeth removals.  The dentist will take an x-ray at your consultation to assess the condition of the tooth and also the difficulty of extraction.  

Thanks to the modern day local anaesthetics, removing a tooth is completely painless, but if the thought of removing a tooth still makes you anxious, then it may be worthwhile looking at our sedation options available. 

After the extraction, there are four main options to fill the gap and we will discuss the best option for you.

  1. Leave the gap and live with it

  2. Denture (removable option)

  3. Dental Bridge

  4. Dental Implant


For many years, traditional metal-based Crowns have been used to strengthen or rebuild teeth. Today, thanks to the latest advancements in Cosmetic Dentistry, Porcelain Crowns are now an effective aesthetically pleasing option. Porcelain Crowns may be made to match the exact colour, texture and translucency of your existing teeth. They look and feel so natural and no one will even know you have them!

Dental Crowns require dental ceramic laboratory fabrication, which means at least two appointments are required and temporary crowns will be fixed in between those two appointments, while the crowns are getting fabricated and until the Dental Crowns is permanently fixed onto the teeth.

Dental Crown

A Dental Crown or Cap is a restoration that gives total coverage over the affected tooth, usually required for rebuilding a broken tooth or a tooth that has been heavily filled and is at a high risk of breaking or cracking.  

Crowns are customised and fabricated at one of the best dental ceramic laboratory in Gold Coast.  

Crowns can be prescribed for many tooth conditions arising from:

  • Excessive grinding of teeth

  • A large broken down filling

  • Ageing teeth with gum recession

  • After root canal treatments

  • Straightening of crooked teeth

  • Severe enamel erosion

  • Heavily stained or discoloured teeth that cannot be whitened

Dental Bridge

Dental Bridges are simply an extension of Crowns whereby a missing tooth is replaced by crowning teeth on either side of that missing tooth and joining two crowns together with another artificial tooth over the missing tooth gap.  This whole unit is bonded on permanently and cannot be removed by patients like dentures.

Dental Bridges can be prescribed for the following reasons:

  • To improve the appearance by filling the gap created by extraction

  • To prevent the teeth adjacent to the gap from shifting and tilting

  • To maintain the natural bite

  • To improve chewing ability

  • To even out the stress loading on the remaining teeth


Just like Dental Crowns, Dental Bridges also require dental ceramic laboratory fabrication, which means at least two appointments are required and a temporary bridge will be fixed in between those two appointments, while the bridge is getting fabricated and until the Dental Bridge is permanently fixed onto the teeth.


Dental Veneers

In recent times, Dental Veneers have become very popular cosmetic treatments worldwide, thanks to the popularity of shows such as extreme makeover and social media influencers.

Dental veneers are made from either composite resin or porcelain to enhance the appearance of your smile, by altering the colour, shape and size.  They can also be used to close gaps.  The main difference between veneers and crowns is that crowns cover the entire tooth, where as veneers only cover the front (facial) aspect.

Veneers can be prescribed for the following reasons:

  • Heavily stained or discoloured teeth that cannot be whitened

  • Gaps in between teeth

  • Oddly shaped or slightly misaligned (crooked) teeth

  • Chipped teeth


Dentures have been around for a long time, since the 7th century where human or animal teeth were used to replace missing teeth.  These days, they are still a common treatment option to replace missing teeth and with the advancement in materials, they have evolved to provide very natural results.  

Dentures are a cost effective option and they come in all different shapes and sizes to be customised for each individual.  Broadly speaking it can be divided into Full Dentures and Partial Dentures.  They can also be stabilised with the use of Dental Implants.

Full Dentures replace all your teeth and the retention is provided by the remaining gum and surround soft tissues in the mouth.  Of course, dental implants can be utilised for better retention and stability.  Overtime, full dentures can lose retention as the jaw shape changes.  A procedure called “reline” can be done to regain the fit.


Partial Dentures only replace the missing teeth and are supported by the remaining teeth, which usually gives better retention and results in better stability than a full denture.  It is only as good as the neighbouring natural teeth it is anchored by so it is important to keep the remaining teeth healthy.


Mouth Guards

We often see sporting injuries involving teeth that could have been prevented by wearing properly fitted sports mouth guards.  

The good old “boil in water” mouth guards are unfortunately inadequate for proper protection of your teeth and jaws in most cases.  A custom made one will cost a lot more but it is a small price to pay should an injury occurs.  Impressions (molds) are taken of your teeth and gum and then the mouth guard is made and customised to only fit you.

Splint/Night Guard

Did you now about two third of the population grind their teeth at nights?  It is a habit called Bruxism.  Some people may not grind, but just clench their jaws.  

Overtime, this can be very destructive to the teeth and surround tissues, possibly causing sensitive teeth, headaches, jaw and neck aches.  

As we cannot control this habit during sleep, the treatment involves constructing a specialised guard that protects your teeth at night.  It is made in a specialised dental laboratory to ensure precise fit and strength. 

Intravenous Dental Sedation(IV Sedation)- $275/ up to 30min

IV Sedation is also known as twilight sedation or sleep dentistry. The Sedative is injected through a line that is placed in patient’s arm.  It works very well and quickly to achieve a deep level of sedation.  During your procedure, the anaesthetist monitors your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels. Most people who receive IV sedation fall asleep and have little to no memory of their treatment when they wake up. This is great for people with severe dental anxiety, longer procedures or for complex procedures like wisdom tooth removal.

Dental Sedation

At Exceptional Dental we have a range of options available for nervous patients receiving dental treatment.  We usually allow more time for anxious patients to give the time to ask questions and feel in control and to get comfortable.

Oral Dental Sedation

A sedation tablet is taken before the dental appointment.  This relieves the feelings of anxiety and provides relaxation to patients.  Oral Sedation is great for short appointment.

Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Sedation(Happy Gas)- $90 /up to 30min

Nitrous Oxide Sedation is a very safe and effective form of conscious sedation.  It has been in dentistry for a very long time and also has a mild pain relieving effect  during treatment.  The sedation also has a rapid onset and is reversible meaning you will not feel groggy after the sedation has finished.

We are a preferred provider for Medibank, Bupa, HCF, NIB and accept all major health funds.

Book an appointment

To request an appointment, please reach out to us directly or complete the form below. We will contact you shortly to confirm the details.