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Patient Information

In our Patient Information hub, discover downloadable forms, answers to common questions—Is treatment painful? Convenient parking details. Learn about examination costs, recommended dental cleaning frequency, and find post-operative and teeth whitening instructions. Your dental journey starts here.

Post-operation Instruction

A clean and healthy mouth aids healing. The following steps will help prevent bleeding and relieve soreness:

REST: Rest for a few hours following treatment and avoid strenuous exercise. 

RINSING: Do not rinse for 2 days so that the blood clot does not get lost. After 2 days post extraction, rinse your mouth gently after meals and before retiring using a mouthwash made by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse the solution in your mouth for several seconds, discard and repeat 2-3 times. This should be done for a week. 

FOOD: Avoid hot fluids, alcohol hard or chewy foods. Choose cool drinks and soft or minced foods. Avoid sucking at or interfering with the wound. 

BLEEDING: If slight bleeding occurs sit upright with head and shoulders raised. Apply pressure using a small pad of gauze or clean linen clamped firmly between the jaws for 30 minutes - repeat if necessary. PAIN: Take Nurofen or Panadol for pain relief but avoid Aspirin or Asprin based medication as they “thin” the blood and can cause more bleeding. 

NOTE: No smoking or alcohol for at least forty eight [48] hours after extractions. 

If excessive bleeding, undue pain or other symptoms occur contact the Practice for advice without delay

Whitening Instruction

In-Chair Whitening

In-Chair whitening takes approx. 80-90 minutes.Results may vary depending on the original shade and condition of teeth. 

Also the longevity of results depends on lifestyle choices such as smoking and food diet, however the average longevity is about 2-3 years.

Whitening is not a permanent procedure, subsequent sessions may be required to reach your ideal shade. Root structure, crowns, fillings and veneers are not affected by whitening products, they will not lighten or change shade.

For the best results do not drink or eat any of the followings:

Coffee, Tea, Dark Soft Drinks, Red Wine or Dark Sauces.

Smoking is absolutely not recommended.

“White and this clear food diet” is recommended for 2 days after In-Chair whitening.

Example of Diet may consist of any the following:

  • Fruit with white flesh i.e. apples and pears (no peels),

  • plain or vanilla yogurt

  • white cheeses

  • egg whites

  • sour cream

  • white bread or wraps 

  • rice

  • mashed potatoes

  • skinless chicken breast, turkey and white fish.

Smoking, coloured food and drink will cause teeth to regress in colour.

Your teeth may become sensitive during and usually up to 48 hours after treatment. This can be managed with over the counter pain relief such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. A complimentary sample of desensitising toothpaste will be provided at your appointment.

Flossing and brushing twice daily is crucial in maintaining results. Stains will reappear if oral hygiene is poor. For any further queries do not hesitate to contact our team on 07 5504 7002

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We are a preferred provider for Medibank, Bupa, HCF, NIB and accept all major health funds.

Book an appointment

To request an appointment, please reach out to us directly or complete the form below. We will contact you shortly to confirm the details.