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Dental Implants

Dental Implants have been in use for several decades and are a very successful treatment option for replacing unrestorable or missing teeth. With artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones, implants look, feel and function like a tooth.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implant is a screw-like anchor that is used as an artificial replacement for natural tooth roots and replaces unrestorable or missing teeth. A dental implant is made of materials that are compatible with the human body, such as titanium.  By integrating to the jawbone and gum tissue, implants provide a stable base for artificial replacement teeth, such as dental crowns, bridges and dentures.  Dental implants are the most natural tooth like option, and are ideal for replacing missing or badly diseased teeth.  They are also a great alternative to dentures as they function closest to natural teeth. 

There are many different implant systems available.  At Exceptional Dental, we use a wide range of implant systems with particular preference for Osstem and the Nobel Biocare.

What is the Dental Implants process?

Consultation - Surgery Placement Surgery - Restoration with an Implant Crown


The first step is an assessment with our Dentists including a 3D x-ray beforehand to assess the bone quality. There are several factors to be considered such as medical conditions, the condition of your  jaw bone, gum condition and bone quality. Once you are a suitable candidate for dental implants, we can book an implant surgery appointment.

Implant Placement Surgery

Damaged tooth is removed and the implant is placed into the jaw and left to integrate for approximately 3 months.  The procedure of inserting a single dental implant is relatively quick, but we allow 1-2 hours for the appointment.   A temporary tooth can be made to wear for this period if the gap is visible.  Providing that there is good enough stability, a healing abutment is connected to the implant and this completes the surgical component of the implant procedure.  Sometimes, the implant needs to be buried under the gum and the second surgery is required to place the healing abutment to the implant about three months after the initial surgery.  

Restoration with an Implant Crown

After the implant has been osseointegrated, a crown is made to best suit your natural teeth, considering factors including size, shape and colour.  Usually numbing is not even needed and a 3D scan or an impression is taken.  Once the crown is fabricated, it is attached to the implant and you can enjoy your new tooth straight away.

How many appointments do I need for a dental implant?

The number of appointments depends on the complexity of the treatment.  For simple straight forward cases, only one surgical procedure appointment is needed, followed by two appointments three months after for the fabrication of the implant crown (one for taking a scan of the implant and the second appointment for the delivery of the crown).  The latter two appointments usually do not even need numbing of the area.  Most patients are nervous when it comes to implant treatments but they often tell us afterwards that it was much better than they anticipated.  When bone grafting is involved, there is longer healing periods and usually one more surgical procedure appointment is needed.

How long do Dental Implants last?

Implants can last a lifetime if they are well cared for and maintained correctly.  Just like natural teeth, complications can happen but as long as they are detected early with regular checkups, they can be managed.  We provide a 5 year warranty on the implant crown (artificial tooth) for breakages/chips, etc and even after 5 years, there is only a minimal fee if the crown needs to be repaired.  

How much do Dental Implants cost?

The cost of dental implants will vary depending on several factors, including how many teeth need to be replaced and whether you require a bone graft or sinus lift.  Typically the rough cost for a dental implant is $3,700- $5,500 per tooth.

We are a preferred provider for Medibank, Bupa, HCF, NIB and accept all major health funds.

Book an appointment

To request an appointment, please reach out to us directly or complete the form below. We will contact you shortly to confirm the details.